FIW Turbine Maintenance and Repairs

By Amy M. W. Turner, October 6, 2023

All three turbines are repaired and operating after several outages due to maintenance and repair activities. A significant portion of the outage duration was due to the slow lead time on parts. FIW is not the only entity affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is still impacting the manufacturing and delivery of parts and supplies needed to maintain and repair infrastructure.

FIEC’s crew works with GE to order parts, perform equipment maintenance and repairs, and monitor the turbine performance. The next scheduled maintenance is November 6-8, 2023, where a few remaining issues will be addressed along with the performance of semi-annual maintenance activities.

The directors and management of FIW are working to keep the turbines operational - consistent generation helps Fox Islands Electric deliver reliable, responsible, and affordable energy to North Haven and Vinalhaven Islands.

Fox Islands Wind Turbines, Photo by Karen Oakes

Fox Islands Wind Turbines, Photo by Karen Oakes


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